Monday, October 20, 2008

Introducing the Due Dates application.

Having outgrown stacks and added some new tools to my knowledge base, it is now time to start on a new project that I will be working on for at least the next two months. It is called Due Dates and is an open source Java application that can be used to track the due dates of borrowed items, such as library books. You can read all about the project, download it, and contribute here. Right now the application is fairly simple with online terminal output and access to a single lender, the University of Hawaii at Manoa library system, but in the future I hope to expand it to allow personalized settings, customizable reporting such as email and instant messaging, and a large database of procedures for accessing lenders.

Getting started

The project was started by Daniel Tian and myself. We began by setting up a project hosting site at Google Code and familiarized ourselves with the features and usage of the site. I added some basic issues to the issue tracking system and also began a rough skeleton of my initial program structure. I felt that there should be a static class that outlined the basic features for querying a lender. This LenderQuery class would then be extended for each lender and implement the procedures for querying that lender's website.

First meeting

Daniel and I were able to make quick progress on implementing a semi-functional system at our first meeting, however we sacrificed some of the good software engineering practices we'd been recently learning. We almost immediately set to hacking at our Httpunit example code without really finalizing a design plan and didn't do any unit testing along the way. We did run into a number of problems with setting up our environment to properly recognize all the necessary libraries. However, by the end of our first meeting we managed to commit code that was capable of at least determining if there were books checked out of the UH library. We had also learned a lot about library dependencies and endured some SVN problems, which turned out to be introduced by changes in some of our sample code. After three or four hours of hacking, we only had one commit to show for ourselves, another mistake in our process, and had forgotten (and continued to forget) to label each commit with the relevant issue being addressed. It was a successful first meeting, but definitely made me aware of how hard it is to break old habits and develop good software engineering processes.

Second Meeting

At our second meeting we were using a different computer and fixed some of the issues with dependencies and SVN that had not previously been noticed. We also discussed some of the problems with the approach we used in previous meeting and introduced some new issues to the issue tracking system. After a short meeting we were able to run the application with increased success, having implemented the ability to list the books on loan (which I had checked out that morning). Armed with a false sense of accomplishment, we made the grave mistake of waiting several more days before working on the project again.

Some time later

Yesterday, I began making some modifications and refactoring the code. I added a BorrowedItem class to the project and cleared up some of the class and method names to be more descriptive of their tasks. I practiced doing small commits often, rather than large, multiple file changs, however almost universally forgot to address which issue I was working on in my commit message. The issues needed to be broken up and though out better anyways, but I simply always forgot to add the "Issue-N" header. And I also completely forgot one commit message!

Later on that evening Daniel and I got together online and discussed what we needed to finish and change. He did some more code modification to try to improve toward our goal of making the program as extensible as possible. He also helped me with some mistakes I had made with designating the library dependencies. In the meantime I worked up a couple of wiki guides, one for Due Dates users, and another for potential developers.

Lessons and Experiences

Overall this was a very good experience and really demonstrates the power tools like SVN and issue tracking. However it also showed me that I have a long way to go toward becoming an effective software engineer and using those tools wisely. SVN makes it very easy to work independently from the rest of your team, but it is no substitute for good communication. The main issues I believe I need to work on are effective design, creating unit tests, and getting a better understanding of how to properly set up libraries so that another user can quickly begin to use or modify my code. Also, quick progress in the beginning doesn't I should reward myself with three days off! Overall though it has been a positive and rewarding experience.

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