Saturday, November 1, 2008

DueDates code review #2

It was time for another round of reviews of various DueDates projects in my software engineering course. We had a few problems with the last round of reviews - some difficulties with Google Project Hosting - but learned that some upgrades had just gone in that would make things a bit smoother. Well... I didn't seem to lose any of my comments as I was reviewing DueDates-Gold, but I never seemed to have received a review from Jeho Jung and Yasuyuki Kaneshige of DueDates-Green who we had submitted a request for review of our own project, DueDates-Orange. I'm not sure what happened - whether it was a problem on our end, or Green's, or both, or Google's. I also managed to have left my comments to Gold on revision 39, while Daniel Tian, my partner, ended up with his on revision 40.

In the mean time, I did comment (and I hope it was received) on DueDates-Gold. I had actually previously review this code and was pleased to see a bit of clean up on their part, though I did find a few minor issues and suggestions. Their developer and user guide is very nicely put together, and a good thing, because I had numerous difficulties with the initial developer set up, before I read the instructions! Also I found the use of the ArgsParser to be very interesting and definitely will consider using something prebuilt like that in my own program. The Javadocs also appear to be quite thorough.

For the most part though, I think that their design needs a lot of work. I don't believe it will expand well to the addition of new features and new libraries and lender querying tools. Some methods need to be broken up and separated, while the classes in some areas need to be much more focused and possibly the introduction of some new classes. Their testing also needs to be much more thorough since the emma scores were all in the teens.

Having not received any reviews for my own system, I'm a bit saddened. I know it has a lot of work to be done, and we know what many of the issues are, but another perspective is always very handy. Hopefully next time, as I'm sure there will be!

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